
Monday, March 19, 2012

‘GET REAL’ with Chiropractic…

American TV personality and psychologist Dr. Phil doesn't hold punches when it comes to advising his guests on living a more balanced, principled life.  So it should come as no surprise how he feels about Chiropractic.

On a recent show with personal Chiropractor and author Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, Dr. Phil touts the benefits he's experienced from regular care.  "I've been seeing a Chiropractor a couple times a week for the past 10 years…"  And you can bet it wasn't for a bad back.  Dr. Phil knows Chiropractic care goes beyond helping aches and pains.  It transforms your entire health and LIFE for the better – exactly what his show is all about. 

If you're frustrated with your current level of health, maybe it's time to get real with a new paradigm shift.  As Dr. Fab says, "we are all born with a natural ability to heal." Chiropractic care simply brings it out.  And if it's good for Dr. Phil, it could be good for you too!

For more information check out The Weekly Sticky, or McCann Chiropractic in Brookfield, WI.  

Monday, March 12, 2012

“Daylight Healing Time”

Both give you more LIGHT!  Think about it.  The primary purpose of Chiropractic is to locate and correct Subluxations.  If you break the word down you get:  SUB = less,  LUX = light, and ATION = a condition.

It literally means a state of less 'light' or energy caused when misaligned spinal bones restrict the flow of impulses through nerves.  A ChiropracticAdjustment corrects this misalignment, eases pressure off nerves and extends the time Life energy can stream through you – giving you more 'daylight' to heal yourself!

When you visit your Chiropractor, be confident your innate healing 'light' is shining brighter and longer after every Adjustment.  Life springs forward when you're under regular Chiropractic care.

For more information check out The Weekly Sticky, or McCann Chiropractic in Brookfield, WI. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

“An Ounce of Chiropractic…”

There's a saying that goes an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.  From a financial stand point, nothing could be more true when it comes to using Chiropractic care.

A 2005 study published in JMPT found "for low back and neck pain, the inclusion of Chiropractic benefits resulted in a reduction in the rates of surgery, advanced imaging, inpatient care, and x-rays."  That means less unnecessary testing, less hospitalization and fewer operations when Chiropractic care is made available.  The scales clearly tip in our favor.

When you keep your Nerve System clear and give your body a chance to heal itself, you end up saving tons of time, money and aggravation.  Chiropractors know it.  Our patients know it.  We're just waiting for the rest of the world to catch on.

For more information check out The Weekly Sticky, or McCann Chiropractic in Brookfield, WI.